#AccessCAS March

March 28, 2024
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Arts and Sciences Campus Events
Sisler Room MSAB

Join CAS in welcoming Angela Monterroso (Modern Languages) and April White (Frank House Museum/History) THURSDAY, March 28th from 2 – 3pm in the Sisler Room in MSAB. They will discuss a collaborative project between students in Translation and Interpretation courses and the Frank House Museum.

Students, Faculty/Staff and Community members are welcome.

Modern Languages in Historic Spaces: Collaborative Translations to Foster Language inclusivity

Over the past several years, many museums in the U.S. have critically introspected on how they can make themselves more accessible and interesting to traditionally underrepresented groups. As stewards of academia, history, culture, and community trust, museums are tasked with serving all members of the public. Serving an increasingly diverse U.S. public, museum approaches and practices must evolve to meet those needs. Both the Frank Museum and the Department of Modern Languages work with bet36365体育 students to provide real-world, experiential learning opportunities. The talk will describe a collaborative project translating historical documents and displays for the Frank Museum which has allowed Translation and Interpretation students to apply the skills that they learn in the classroom to projects that benefit not only the bet36365体育 campus, but the community at large, as well as appreciate the important mission of the museum.

This talk is the second in the #AccessCAS Spring speaker series; join us for monthly presentations expanding our understanding of inclusive excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences, bet36365体育, and our world.

Janet Eckerson